

365 Days Miso Soup

Oborodofu and Carrot Miso Soup

Oborodofu and Carrot Miso Soup

Oborodofu is a semi-coagulated and unpressed tofu and is soft and fluffy. Enjoy it together with crispy carrot and popping sesame in this miso soup.

Ingredients (4 servings)

Oborodofu 2/3 cake (240 g)
Carrot 1/4
Roasted white sesame 1 teaspoon
Dashi stock 800 cc
Miso 3-1/2 tablespoons


  1. Shred the carrot thinly.
  2. Boil the carrot in the dashi stock until tender. Add the oborodofu in chunks and boil for a moment.
  3. Lower the heat and dissolve the miso, avoiding breaking the oborodofu. Serve the miso soup in bowls with the roasted white sesame sprinkled.

★ A Note
There are many kinds of tofu on the market. You can try different tofu for this miso soup.

Type of Miso

Mugi (Barley) miso

Our product used in this recipe

Nama-zume Mutenka Mugi Miso(Fresh-packed, Additive-free Barley Miso)

Nama-zume Mutenka Mugi Miso
(Fresh-packed, Additive-free Barley Miso)
