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Oriental Pickling Melon, Crafted Wheat Gluten Cake and Thick Deep-fried Tofu Miso Soup

Oriental pickling melons (shiro-uri) can be obtained only in summer. Their crispy texture is good for summer miso soup.

Ingredients (4 servings)

Shiro-uri 1/2
(Crafted wheat gluten cakes)
20 pieces
(Thick deep-fried tofu)
1/2 cake
Ginger 15 g
Dashi stock 800 cc
Miso 3-1/2 tablespoons

Type of Miso

Mugi (Barley) miso

Our product used in this recipe

Kyushu-sodachi Mugi(Kyushu-grown Barley Miso)

Kyushu-sodachi Mugi
(Kyushu-grown Barley Miso)


  1. Slice the shiro-uri. Cut the atsuage into proper sizes. Shred the ginger thinly into “hari-shoga.”
  2. Bring the dashi stock to a boil and add the shiro-uri and atsuage. After the ingredients are cooked, lower the heat, dissolve the miso and add the kozaiku-fu.
  3. Serve the miso soup in bowls with the hari-shoga on top.

★ A Note

Cut the shiro-uri lengthwise into halves and remove the seeds before slicing. If its skin is hard, peel it.

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