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Daikon Radish White Potage Miso Soup with Soymilk

Enjoy tasty daikon radish in season with healthy soymilk. This miso soup is also good for babies.

Ingredients (4 servings)

Daikon radish 1/2
Banno-negi (Thin green onion) 1 stalk
(Cayenne pepper powder)
A dash
Soymilk 200 cc
Dashi stock 600 cc
Miso 4 tablespoons

Type of Miso

Shiro (White) miso

Our product used in this recipe

Shiro Miso(White Miso)

Shiro Miso
(White Miso)


  1. Slice the daikon radish and boil until tender. Chop the banno-negi into pieces.
  2. Place the daikon and soymilk in a blender and process into potage
  3. Place the soup of 2 and the dashi stock in a pan over heat and dissolve the miso.
  4. Serve the miso soup in bowls with the banno-negi sprinkled and the ichimi-togarashi sprinkled to taste.

★ A Note

This miso soup soothes your tired body. It is also suitable as a nursing care food.

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